Paid Advertising Results

This client had hired a SEO firm who charged $16,000.00 per month. They are located in southern California; one of the most competitive regions in the US for treatment. The client claimed they may have gotten an additional 3-5 calls per month at the end of a year.

TLC was then hired to take over the Digital Marketing. TLC kept the same SEO budget and applied it to a paid advertising model to jump start admissions. In a very short time, client is receiving the below results and census is now stable.

SEO Ranking Results

This client had used numerous internet marketing agencies for both SEO and paid advertising. Below, shows phase one of TLC's efforts to dominate the center's market area. Within weeks they started seeing the below results for ranking and call volume is up better than 50%.

TLC is also handling the Paid Advertising (PPC) and is dominating their local competition in less than 2 months.

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